What should be the most appropriate lighting in offices?

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According to research; lighting in offices greatly affects the productivity and efficiency of employees. We can say that employees feel much happier in a work environment with the right light. In a place where dim light prevails, your creativity and motivation to work may decrease, but in a brighter environment, you may feel energetic. Natural, artificial, and different colored light types affect not only productivity but also our mental and physical health. Since your eyes will get more tired in the dark, you may feel sleepy. However, in extremely bright environments, your eyes may become sensitive and you may have headaches. For this reason, you should not exaggerate to increase the light. For these reasons, if we consider the general answer to the question of how appropriate lighting should be in your work environment, we can say that it is to adjust the balance well. When we go into more detail, we can explain it in a few items.

You can choose LED light.

When LED lighting that gives the feeling of natural light is selected in the environment you will be working in, you can observe that your energy increases. In addition, according to research, it has also been proven that it reduces sleep disorders caused by other types of light.

LED light is much more advantageous when compared to incandescent, fluorescent and other types of light in terms of energy consumption. You can adjust the power of the light according to summer and winter months and as desired. We recommend that you take this into consideration in terms of saving since artificial light will be used in areas where there is no natural light.

Also, if you have a narrow work area, the feeling of warmth created by the light can be uncomfortable. LED lights will be the right choice in this respect as they produce lower temperatures.

The humming sounds made by the lighting in the office environment can disrupt concentration and cause distraction. For this reason, instead of choosing incandescent lamps, you can minimize this sound by choosing LED lights.


You can pay attention to the color and brightness of the lighting.

The type of lighting chosen, as well as its brightness and color, affects your mood in your work environment. If you work long hours in your office, you can choose lighting that reflects warm yellow-orange tones to help you feel less stressed and relaxed during the day. On the other hand, it has been observed that light colors in cool blue or white tones keep concentration high. Therefore, you can consider this suggestion to prevent you or your team from getting distracted in your workplace.


Once the color of the light is set, you can feel more comfortable in the space by keeping its brightness higher in the morning and lowering it towards the later hours of the day. This will make your day more productive. Since these situations usually change depending on the time of day, you can choose new generation lighting that you can adjust the color and brightness according to your wishes.

 You can make room for desktop lamps.

Choosing not only indirect lighting but also direct lighting in the office environment will increase your focus. In addition, while providing this benefit, it will also look aesthetically pleasing in terms of decoration. For example, the brass detailed Orb Lamp in Lagu can add elegance to your work environment.

You can choose according to your taste and the design of the place. table lamp You can work more comfortably and read texts more easily. Because in a place where there is only ceiling lighting, these lights may not be enough. Sometimes a shadow may fall on your desk; you may have difficulty reading small texts or drawing. For this reason, you will need to make room for a lamp on your desk.


If you work from home, you may need to create a new layout.

Due to the pandemic, many people have been working from home lately. However, there are also those who use a room in their home as an office. Therefore, if you have created a work environment at home, you should pay attention to the lighting of this area so that you do not experience distractions. If you have to work from home and do not create a new space for this and use your sitting area, you need to pay attention to your lighting. Since you will need to use the room you normally use as a living room or a sitting room as an office for hours, you may need to make a few changes. Otherwise, over time, you may encounter health problems such as eye fatigue and eye disorders, as well as your concentration may be impaired and your motivation may decrease.


To avoid these situations, keep a desk lamp on your desk as we mentioned in the previous article. This way, it may be easier for you to focus. If there is not enough space on your desk, you can choose the Irregular Floor Lamp or Irregular Pendant from Lagu. Since you can change and adjust the direction of the light with the products in the Irregular series, you can place them near your desk and reflect the titles of the products on the surface of your desk. In this way, you can read the texts much more clearly or if you are doing a job that requires you to look at it in detail, it may be easier for you.

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